Why my experience will make the difference for Sileby:
"I am Sileby Born and Bred and have lived in the village all my life and I also spent my working life as a manager in the local Factory, Melody/Harlequin Wallcoverings.
I am married to Muriel, better known as the receptionist for Doctors Christie and French and the Banks Surgery.
I represented Sileby at Charnwood Borough Council for 8 years along with my good friend and colleague, the inimitable Roy Brown. I took the decision to stand down at the last election, but, all too soon to miss my involvement and the day to day connection with people in the village and my work as a Councillor.
I sincerely believe it is the knowledge and experience I gained from years of working on many different Committees and helping people with their everyday problems that will prove important going forward if Sileby is to continue to enjoy the excellent service Roy was able to provide during his years as your Charnwood Borough Councillor."
Email: [email protected]